In India , prostitution frequently takes on connotations that , to us Westerners , may appear " extreme " , or unlikely . The " market " is made up of girls who are often younger than the legal age . Many are trapped by racketeering, in their rural villages of origin, and, even before puberty, walked towards brothels in Mumbai or New Delhi. It is a phenomenon of gigantic proportions, which produces a physical and moral degradation that is almost unimaginable for us. One does not sell one's body only in special places, equipped with some primordial comfort, which permits respect for hygiene and decency. It is done, however and wherever there is the possibility of meeting customers. It is not rare that curtains and simple screens, placed on the public road, are used for sexual intercourse. Even the means of transport, usually very crowded and very rudimentary, allow enterprising girls to "get in touch" with many men, willing to give them monetary compensation in exchange for sexual attention. One couples with prostitutes inside a taxi, or on the seats of the buses, next to passengers who are not too surprised by the situation, having already experienced it personally. " Easy " women -- not necessarily " professional " -- take advantage of train travel . The legendary delays and general boredom undoubtedly favor the opportunities of those who think of rounding up a meager salary. Any man - who does not have his family with him, and is asked by an attractive girl for a few Rupees for a little entertainment - hardly refuses. Indeed , I imagine that the opposite problem arises , that of " limiting " the clientele . Indeed, it is not at all exceptional that a single prostitute - if animated and available - ends up "serving" an entire carriage and then switches to another one to continue the routine. Since it is impossible to separate oneself from the crowd, which literally invades every corner of the train, including the toilets, some practical stratagems are necessary. A Tawaif-Railway knows very well that she has to give up clothing that prevents free access to her vagina. She is not wearing any underwear, and she chooses a Saari design featuring a loosely draped skirt. She always avoids undressing during the embrace, and she doesn't even lift her clothes a little, to welcome his penis in her womb. She maintains a minimum of privacy for herself and for her momentary partner, which inevitably sharpens the desire of those who observe her closely. The sight of the complete nudity of a woman intent on having sex would cause apocalyptic scenes of mass-male-masturbation. Exhibitionism would not bring any financial gain - it would just generate a lot of confusion and disorder. Instead there, as soon as a client ejaculates and withdraws, a subsequent one appears, already quite enthusiastic, and the "vicious-circle" can perpetuate itself. I imagine that sporadic similar cases occur in Europe too . It seems unlikely to me - however - that the Railway Police, and the personnel in charge of controls, allow many excesses on their trains. I have already had the opportunity to use various means of transport, for trips that have involved sexual intercourse. I am referring to previously arranged meetings , and organized in every detail . It was never really a question of luring / seducing someone on board a train, but only of having taken advantage of a transfer, to add a fun component to it. I confess that one of my most repressed Fantasies provides for the possibility of choosing any railway passenger, not even too young and handsome. I dream of inducing him, with just a glance, to follow me to the restroom, where I would let him let off steam on my body. Despite having received some expressions of appreciation from passengers that I would define as "compatible", I have never taken any initiative that would lead me to have sex with them inside a railway carriage. I have always thought that it was not convenient to defy the rules of common sense, in an environment that is not familiar to me, and can inspire awe. Honestly, I saw myself as a rarity, one of the few prostitutes who attributed highly erotic connotations to a scene that wasn't feasible, full of risks of all kinds. I am aware that the times of the Mata-Hari on the Orient-Express belong to a legendary past, which, perhaps, did not unfold in the way it was described to us. The stories of beautiful Hungarian women in the service of the KGB, who, posing as high-ranking prostitutes, would have stolen secrets from Western diplomats, during their travels beyond the Curtain, however fascinating, have never been verified. However, they leave us a sense of nostalgia, and they tickle my imagination, like the jolts and the rhythmic movement, caused by the irregularities of the tracks. I think few women disdain the possibility of feeling pleasure while on the train..And I think that most men consider that environment as extremely favorable for any erotic activity. I received further confirmation of this last week, during a meeting with an American client. At the table, we talked for a long time about "singular" experiences, mine and hers. I tried to contribute to the interview, with some curiosities relating to the world of prostitution, filling it with piquant details. Honestly - however - I don't think I surprised my interlocutor. That man, already of an advanced age, boasts of having lived some experiences with uncommon connotations. He told me an episode that I would not hesitate to describe as "surprising". I know how, in America, the exercise of prostitution is banned in several states, and highly regulated in all the others. Furthermore - after 11 September 2001 - every suspicious situation, every behavior a little "out" of the norm, arouses panic and immediate repression - above all if it occurs in crowded public places, or means of mass transport. Therefore , I would not have imagined that situations such as those occurring in India and which I have just described were even possible . Yet my occasional "informant" swears that he has been approached, more than once, by girls who, posing as travellers, promised themselves nothing more than to sell him their sexual availability. He calls himself a " lover of slow travel " , which , unlike air travel , allows relaxation and offers opportunities that everyone can decide how to use . His favorite activities would be - in order - to observe otherwise unapproachable rural landscapes from the window, to chat with passengers who reveal themselves available for subsequent contacts, to consume previously booked gastronomic meals, and to update some projects on the Computer. Recently , however , an erotic component has forcefully added itself to these railway pastimes of his , and seems to have eclipsed them . It all started a couple of years ago, at the Amtrak station in Chicago, while waiting on the platform for a train to New York. An exceptional delay forced a wait of more than an hour, but provided the opportunity to discover a mechanism, which, previously, had always been hidden from him. Arriving at the last moment and immediately entering the sleeping car, he had never undertaken to look around before. The reduction of dead times and the search for a journey without unexpected events had always led him to give up those minimal interpersonal contacts that usually occur in a station. That time-instead-in the absence of anything else to do, he showed himself willing to converse with other hypothetical travellers. He was approached by a beautiful girl, refined in appearance, though in her early twenties. She was very blond, impeccably dressed and made up, showing off clothes and accessories of taste and great value, she certainly did not seem like a poor woman trying to make ends meet. In this way, she gained the immediate trust of those to whom she spoke. My client noticed how she had already presented herself to two other lonely men, presumably heading to the Big Apple for business reasons. She had handed them a sort of leaflet, which, once read, had been returned to her with a gesture of refusal, but without any manifestation of impatience or disgust. On the contrary , they both looked very sorry , shaking their heads as if disappointed that they could not accept some advantageous offer . Therefore-when it was his turn-he thought it was either a collection of money for charitable purposes, or some exclusive commercial promotion. Instead, with a mischievous smile, he was handed an explicit photograph, the subject of which was not difficult to identify. Annotated in pen , a couple of sentences left no room for doubt . A brief negotiation ensued , centered mainly on the " length of service " . Obviously, once she decided that she would keep him company for the entire 20-hour period, committing herself to reaching New York with him, the agreed amount took this aspect into account. Despite my curiosity , perhaps excessive in this case , I could not get myself to reveal what it was about . I believe over a thousand dollars quickly changed hands. It matters little , however . What I wish to underline is that, in an extremely "rigid" and "supervised" society, where, even when getting on a train, one is subjected to personal checks, as if one were entering an airplane, private initiative can triumph .That girl is an anonymous representative of a phenomenon destined to expand and further diversify. I was told that an ever increasing number of girls can be found next to the tracks when an important convoy is expected. Not looking for situations that provide for quick meetings inside the station, they carefully examine the possibility of accompanying anyone who proves interested in a long-term service. It is practically impossible to expose them , nor do I think any law can be invoked to stop this type of activity . The approaches are so " targeted " and discreet that one would have to attack personal freedoms to prevent them . Thus it happens that extremely wealthy businessmen are rediscovering a taste for the train. They could previously arrange, online, the engagement of an Escort for the entire transfer, but, often, they prefer an impromptu adventure, and let themselves be approached by strangers, shortly before departure. By paying a ticket and a modest supplement to the conductor, you ask him for permission to share your cabin with another person. It is enough to show the girl's ID, and, perhaps, respond to the inevitable wink, with a couple of Bucks in tip.
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